Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lungs and Terrorists

Running in cold mountain air feels like someone strapped a man onto your chest and he is pressing your lungs in with his large biceps. Nonetheless, my sister, sister-in-law, and I went running last night. We all have various reasons that we want to get into shape, mine being the least admirable. My sister is getting in shape for lacrosse season, my sister-in-law is getting in shape for the Avon Breast Cancer Walk, and me- well I'm getting into shape so that I can train them to get in shape, of course. This past semester, I had gotten into ok shape, but once that cold air hits your lungs, you feel like you've never moved a day in your life. Good times. Hopefully, with continued persistence, my lungs will adjust, and I'll be able to run more than a half a mile.

Anyway, so today I watched a Vangaurd on the terrorist group, the Tamil Tigers. They are the terrorist group that invented the suicide bomb and have used it more than Hamas and Hezbollah combined. They are from Sri Lanka, where 80% are Buddhist and the remaining 20% are Hindu. The Tamil people decided that they wanted to have their own province in Northern Sri Lanka, but the government would not give it to them, so they began taking out high ranking government officials. The problem now is that the Sri Lankan government assumes that every Tamil person is in support of the Tamil Tigers and so just as the terrorist group is killing innocent people, so is the government by killing innocent Tamil people. Sri Lankan journalists have been murder for speaking out against the governments actions.

I don't have a practical way that you could help the Tamil people or the innocent people that the Tamil Tigers kill. I figure being aware is a step in the right direction, and then also praying for the people.

Hopefully I'll have time to go running again today. Good ole lungs, they'll come around.

And Charlie Brown says: “In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back.”

Thanks for reading!

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